Some folks may frown upon the premise for today’s post. But I won’t let their thoughts bother me. I’m too busy being thankful! 🙂
Twelve Things I’m so Thankful that God Decided to Include When He Created the World
- Times of resting
- Waterfalls and the streams that lead to them
- The color spectrum
- Eyelids with their fringe of lashes
- Horses
- Trees of every species – but especially sugar maples
- Dimples…and the smiles that reveal them
- Cacao beans
- The exactly-synced and perfectly-maintained rotation of the earth
- Bamboo
- Every variation of light
- Dust
Any other things you’d like to add to my list?
The oceans with the varying types of beaches they flow over – not to mention all of the different shells and sealife
Absolutely! There is so much beauty in the sight, sound, and smell of the sea.