10 Days in World History I’m Thankful for (and Why)
- The day writing was invented: how can I narrow it down to one reason? 🙂
- The day the Israelites left Egypt as a free people: because their liberation foreshadowed my own.
- The day Jesus was born: everything about his life, death, and return to life would change the world.
- The day Robert Morrison finished his Chinese translation of the Bible: when he first came to China, he observed that he didn’t expect to have any spiritual impact on the Chinese but he certainly expected that God would…I wonder if he knew how right his prediction would be?
- The day Harriet Tubman made her first “run” leading others north via the Underground Railroad: for her selfless actions and her bravery, for all the people she saved and helped restore dignity to.
- The day(s) that each of the major wars in modern history ended: because each of them may have been fought for a purpose, but as Solomon observed (thank God), “There is a time for war and a time for peace.”
- The day Mother Teresa arrived in India: who could have known what a quiet but piercing light of goodness that small woman would bring into our world?
- The day my parents got married: just an ordinary summer day in Kansas led to 47 years and counting…not bad for a ceremony springing from a $100 budget.
- September 12, 2001: because the sun rose.
- November 21, 2018: each day is a gift and another chance to say, “Thanks.”
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