Out with the old and in with the new. So another year is upon us.
As a writer, I want to be more intentional about how I use my time and how I focus my writing energy in 2019. That goes for my other writing work as well as my weekly blogging.
Over the past year-and-a-half of blogging, I’ve often written according to what was happening at that specific time, with sort of random organization. Reflecting on that this weekend, I decided to have a formal plan for where I want to go with my blog during the next 12 months.
The blog has four main categories. I plan to make better use of these different areas over the coming year, so this is my plan.
I will spend this year pondering what we are to be and then what we are to do from that place of being. Each month I will focus on a different topic, and within that month, each week I will write about that topic from a different angle: teaching, psychology, encouragement, and writing.
Months and planned topics:
January, be loved
February, love
March, be known
April, know
May, be seen
June, see
July, be heard
August, hear
September, be illuminated
October, shine
November, be blessed
December, bless
Please join me on this journey in the months ahead. Read when you would like to read, and share any posts that you find helpful with those you care about.
I wish you all the best, dear readers, in the year ahead!