In the beginning, all was dark.
And God spoke, breathing light into the universe. Then He created every formed and living part of the universe and crowned His creation with this glory: a man and a woman. And He breathed life into the human body from the very essence of His Spirit.
Many centuries later, a prophet lived in a time of darkness, uncertainty, and longing. And God gave him these words of promise: “There will be no more gloom for those who were in distress…The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death, a light has dawned.” In that promise, He was again breathing light into the universe and He was foreshadowing the glory to come when we would have the chance to choose rebirth in and refilling with His Spirit.
Centuries later still – even now – there are many people, times, and places that are once more shrouded in darkness. But, again, we have been given a gift of the Spirit that can abide in the willing heart, and we have the promise of a day we long for, a day the Spirit inside us groans for with all creation. Light will gloriously appear to fully engulf the universe and dispel all darkness forever. And the Spirit will usher a Bride to her wedding ceremony.
This first advent Sunday, we celebrate hope. And we rejoice in the fulfilled words of the Prophets and in God’s wondrous, mysterious, magnificent way, acknowledging that hope is always – and only – possible in His light and His Spirit.
Gloria to the God of light and hope.
I will read along. Yes He is the Hope we long for.
Welcome to this Advent journey, Tutu!
Thank you for the reminder of the glorious light and hope in Jesus!
Thanks for your comment and for reading, Jeanie! May the remainder of your Advent season be blessed.