Why are we so relieved when someone we trust listens to our awkward confession and still “gets” us without judgement…yet we are often fearful to say what we really think/feel to people we are unsure of?
Why do we feel at home with people who know our quirks…and feel we must put on a mask with those who don’t know us well, lest they should find us quirky (or worse)?
Why do we repeatedly attempt to hide from God just like our earliest ancestors did, even when we will always be as unsuccessful at it as they were?
For a hundred different reasons at different times, we do not want to be known – at least, not really. And yet, if we could listen to the nearly-suffocated voice of the core deep inside us, we might hear it whisper, “Who would really want to know me here? And if they did, would they love me still?”
Ironically, this being known so intimately by God and others with the knowing coated in fear-abolishing love: this is the most important desire of the human heart.
(I guess that’s why I had to write about being loved before I could write about being known. I would be petrified of the knowledge that God knows me fully if I could not hold onto the promise that He loves me even more.)
This month and next month, I will continue my weekend posts, further exploring what it means to be known intimately and to know intimately. But I am going to take it one step further.
Lent begins this week. Upon reflection, this year I have decided not to abstain from something. Instead, I am choosing to feast, to immerse myself in this idea of being known – and not just being known, but being delighted in.
I know deep in my gut that God knows me. But what really boggles my mind is the thought that He, knowing me, would actually and always, delight in me.
And He, the master of the universe, asks me to know Him. And to delight in Him.
So, I hope you will join me on a journey. Starting daily, from March 6 through the Lenten season, I will post a picture of a new, simple piece of word art reflecting some aspect of this wonderful mystery: God’s delight in us and our delight in Him.
Most days there will be no commentary. But I hope that pausing to see each image will give your soul a sip of nectar, sweetness to brighten your being from the inside out. Please drink deeply with me and share with others who may need to see the images too.
Let’s be known – and delighted in – together.
Hey there, friend. This was meaningful and timely in my life today. Thanks for sharing it.
So glad it was…thanks for letting me know. Thinking of you today. 💙