Distant Until (A poem based on Exodus 20:18-21)
The Law ferrets me out
In pain, in aching insufficiency, in fear,
Until the panic in my body is worse than the clamor before me,
Around me:
Heartbeats pounding in my ears, syncopated against thunder rumbles
From a great Judge I can’t see
Because my eyes are closed against the flashing that would blind me.
But what if He desires
That I see Him heartfully? What if He wants
Me to fear Him
Yet not be afraid?
What if He wants me
For a moment,
For a lifetime,
And forever?
If I, too, would climb up,
Entering smoke and mist, what would
Await me
On the mountain?
Perhaps the understanding that I am
Known, patiently,
By the One Who has more chapters yet to write.
i love “The New Covenant Heart”. “fear Him, yet not be afraid”, from Exodus 20: 20 has long captivated me. much to ponder there.
Thanks for your comment, Evelyn. Yes, that was one of my favorite lines of the poem too. God bless you as you delight in Him and meditate on His ways.💛