Who is it hardest to truly be seen by? God? Other people? Or our own heart, when reality is faced?
Perhaps all of the above, each in its own way. These were the thoughts that moved me to create this artistic piece and to write a poem afterward. The poem below, entitled Ashes Sprout Beauty, is a collection of eight stanzas, each written as a haiku.
I will leave you to ponder it, dear reader. Be seen, and embrace the beauty that can spring forth.
Shadows hide poorly
Because eyes adjust to find
What’s been all along.
Yet I grasp shadows:
Imaginary blankets
Of security,
Until my fingers
Find they are grasping only
Dense smoke and mirrors.
So, now, you ask me
“Whose eyes were opened to see:
Yours, mine, or the Lord’s?”
Not the Lord’s, for He
Has always shone, bright and clear,
Seeing…and loving still.
Perhaps yours now glimpse
The fragile outlines beneath
Gray veils too long worn.
But it is I who
Must, truly and fully, name
That seen by my heart:
Light shines through fractures
To nourish petals—hidden
Treasure of beauty.
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