This Father’s Day, I want to focus on my Heavenly Father. He is the one who has truly done everything for me. More than I can ever fathom or repay. And all He wants in return from me is time with Him, to see His grace and goodness, and to let loose the gratitude in my heart.
On the Eve of Father’s Day, when I was driving home, I was distracted by a special cloud bank to the side. The cloud itself was seamless and unbroken, perfectly and symmetrically white. It was a silent display, and yet it exploded with the sound of the song of His love.
The sight of that sky along with the song of love it played for me inspired this poem. May it bless your heart as it has blessed mine.
A Sign For You
See how I love you, child of My hands and heart.
I have from the start, before you were consciously aware.
And when My care leaves you speechless, doubting worthiness,
I send my kindness in light, in gifts, and wait for you to see it.
Today, you raised your eyes from introspection to soak in
Sight of the heavens singing, fortissimo, over you at My command
Spread by My hand: a comforter, snowy, tucked into the blue,
Both sky and cloud — hues of perfection. And your gaze drank beauty.
So your soul was quieted to hear My voice:
“See now, My child,
There is no hint of gray,
For I’ve washed fear away
And wrapped you in the blanket of
My holiness, in the robe of
My kindness, in the covering of
My love.”
I’m so glad you were able to experience this moment with God. May you continue to walk in His presence even on the dark days.
Thank you, Nancy. May you also know His presence closely, no matter what. 💙