The past couple of nights, a moon like this one has hung, low and brilliant, in the clear evening sky as I have driven home from various tasks. Reflecting on God’s faithfulness in every moment and our struggle to understand what it means to shine in challenging times, I now write and share this short poem.
I thanked the sun for warming my day,
Asked it to never go away.
But it did. Replaced by a circle of stone
Gracing me: cold and alone.
At the night stretching on endlessly
And the rock hanging over me,
I shook a fist. And I railed hard against how
The sun was light years away now.
Then a whisper rode to me upon the wind,
A timeless message sent:
“The sun is shining in a different form
And this light also warms
The heart which trusts a reflection bright
In the darkest of nights.”
So I lifted my face, set down my fears,
And reflected radiance in tears.
“I sought the Lord, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears. Those who look to him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame.” Psalm 34:4-5
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