Looking back on themes covered in the first eight months of this year and looking ahead to 2019’s remaining weeks, I want to usher in this final, dual focus of receiving blessings to be a blessing with a new poem. I hope it will encourage you today.
Before and Behind (a poem of gratitude)
I couldn’t be blessed until
I knew I was loved. Really
For who I was and am
(And will be).
Then, the patches on my soul
Were sown, tight
And the reserve of that love
Filled me to overflowing.
I couldn’t be blessed until
I knew I was known. Really
For who I was and am
(And will be).
Then, the scars laced ‘cross my soul
Were soothed, smooth
Because the love had not evaporated
With the knowing.
I couldn’t be blessed until
I knew I was seen. Really
For who I was and am
(And will be).
Then, dormant seeds inside my soul
Were awakened, green
To sprout as they were
Always meant to.
I couldn’t be blessed until
I knew I was heard. Really
For who I was and am
(And will be).
Then, a melody surrounding my soul
Was absorbed, sweet
With acceptance of that clear
And ancient truth.
No, I couldn’t be blessed until all these things
Finally occurred to the soul of me.
Then, with eyes open wider, in the echoing song,
I saw I had been being blessed all along.
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