Over the past few days, I have had one person each day (most of whom I had never met in person before) look me in the eye and say, “Bless you, child.”
(This is not a common experience for me.)
My reply each time, after a moment of surprise, was, “I thank you and receive the blessing.”
Though I look younger than my age, I am no longer mistaken by anyone as a child. But when I received each of those blessings, I was not offended by the wording. Whether I am 40 or 60 or 80 years old, may I always be a child of God, and never too old to notice and receive His blessings!
Noticing the blessings is a lot easier when we hear the words said directly to us. Yet, even if such words are not said directly to us, blessings are spoken all around us every day, if one’s heart will have ears to hear.
So see the genuine smile on a neighbor’s face reflecting goodness…
And feel the wind slip over your skin, reminding you of the gift of life in your lungs…
And hear the sound of a child squealing with laughter where she sits nearby…
And look up to view sunlight in a hundred finely-graded hues, whipped across the sky in glory…
In all these things and more, hear the words in your heart: “Bless you, child.”
And receive each blessing with thanksgiving.
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