In this month, one hundred and ninety-nine years ago, a large ship was rammed and sunk by a male sperm whale in the farthest reaches of the Pacific. The following summer, several of the men from that ship’s crew, who had miraculously survived the ordeal afterward, made it home.
Safe and sound.
I have the honor and privilege of supporting members of our armed forces while they are deployed. It is completely voluntary on my part…and one of the best parts of my life. This past week, I heard from one of the soldiers I had encouraged via letters for months. He sent me an email to let me know he was finally home.
Safe and sound.
What does it mean to return to our loved ones safe and sound? When I meditate on that, I think of safe as physical wellness and sound as soundness of mind.
But while many have appeared to be of sound mind after surviving chronically or acutely stressful and even traumatic circumstances, that soundness does not always continue.
At least one of those surviving sailors struggled with symptoms of what we now call PTSD and paranoia the rest of his life, even more in his old age when he was eventually declared to be insane. And while some service members really do maintain strong mental health, some of them bear more pain and psychological imbalance than they can truly handle alone as life marches on.
In truth, soundness of mind is one of the greatest blessings any person can be given.
And if something happens to disrupt that soundness, unwavering support and compassion from others is perhaps an even greater blessing bestowed.
Has God blessed you with sound mental health? Or brought you some healing of mind? If so, be thankful and cherish it every day.
Do you care about someone who is struggling with or in danger of developing mental health concerns? Pray for strength to love them and to bless them with your support. And be blessed in knowing your support of them is a heaven-sent gift.
Most of all, thanks be to the God who desires for us to be safe and sound. But who blesses us because He loves us always, especially when we draw near to Him. In any state of mind.
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