Bless (1)

My word art is back for the advent Sundays in December, highlighting a line of four different Christmas hymns before I share a blogging plan for the new year.

This week, I draw out a simple invitation. One extended to us from the Christ child and all of Heaven with Him.

He would grow to understand all aspects of the human condition, including weariness, and so He can empathize with us when all we want is to lie down, curl up, shut off.

Some would say His greatest gift is sacrifice, forgiveness, or grace. But I have sometimes felt that the gift of His rest is equal to all of those.

What is one of the sweetest ways to be blessed in the busy holiday weeks ahead? Receive His gift of rest each day.

What is one of the sweetest ways to bless others during the busy holiday weeks ahead? Practice patience and promote a slower pace, encouraging others to rest and supporting them when they choose to do so.

A small suggestion? Yes.

A simple task? Not in our culture.

But worth the effort of letting go?

I think so.

How else will we really have hearts quiet enough to hear the angels sing?

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