Every solid long-term or marriage relationship requires a great deal more than attraction and charm to remain vibrant and to grow even more meaningful. One of the most important ingredients in that recipe is a steady and liberal dose of patience. That is true as the years go by, but also in the early stages, when the relationship first forms and then stands or fails during its initial tests.
I have known about this in theory, of course, after studying marriage and family counseling two decades ago and now taking further counseling classes again. And I have had the privilege of observing couples who demonstrated such patience to one another.
But I have always felt a particular appreciation for a good man who will exhibit patience towards a woman he cares for. Such behavior is one of the most endearing human displays of Christlikeness that I can think of.
And, dare I say that I have often despaired when I looked around me and considered what a lack of such men I have seen out in the world. These days, it seems that a man either has to apologize for being a man, or that he has to be assertive, aggressive, or forceful to prove that true “men” really do still exist.
While I have worked and served and prayed, I have observed and waited. I have indeed known and thought these things in theory. But I despaired at some moments. Would my own patience and hoping pay off, in the realm of relationships? Would it be possible that such a good man could still exist, and that he would be interested in me romantically?
Enter one man named Paul, stage right. A man who has turned out to show me incredible patience, from nearly the first day I met him.
Yesterday, while we spent time enjoying each other’s company and swapping stories on a bench underneath a cobalt, cloudless sky, listening to rushing water and birdsong, I rested against his shoulder and prayed something like the following in a whisper: “Dear God, I wish every woman in the world could be loved like this. This is the kind of beautiful human love that is such a gift for a woman’s heart. Thank You.”
Before we met up for some quality time yesterday, I had recently sent Paul a link to a classic Billy Joel song (since Paul and I like to share fun and meaningful songs daily with each other). I told him that I have always loved the melody of the song, but now that I was listening to it again at a different stage in my life, there were some traits of the woman as described in the lyrics that I really did NOT want to possess or show–especially towards him.
Later, the idea took root in my mind. What if I could use the tune and rewrite the words to reflect my appreciation for Paul and his patience and gentleness and goodness shown to me? In a fit of inspiration, I did so.
And yesterday, near the end of our time spent together, I sang him the result.
I smile at the irony, how I started this month with a profile sketch of a man named Paul who wrote about love being patient. And I am ending the month with a profile of a man named Paul, as sketched in song lyrics, who has showed a very patient and growing love to me already. Below, I would like to share my new words with you, as well as recordings of both the original song and the melody alone.
As I share this piece of my heart along with a reflection of the man who has captured it, I hope the words will bless you.
Round the bend in my path, I looked up and I saw you
Felt a tug in my soul, a sweet longing to know you
All the hints of true goodness, they turned out to be
May I never forget what a blessing your trust is to me
Through the ups and the downs, you spoke truth I needed
Brought the tears to my eyes, held my heart in its bleeding
Then you prayed with conviction to set my pain free
May I never forget what a blessing your words are to me
Oh, you have shown such a light
You have laid down your pride
You have beckoned me near
Oh, you have stepped through each door
You have given me more
You have shattered my fears
You rejoice in my hopes and delight in my laughter
You wait out my storming and draw me close after
Through it all, we grow deep, like the roots of a tree
May I never forget what a blessing your heart to me
Oh, you have shown such a light
You have laid down your pride
You have beckoned me near
Oh, you have stepped through each door
You have given me more
You have shattered my fears
Take my hand, we’ll walk on until we reached the next bend
Turn the way that He leads and cherish every season
May His grace be our heartbeat, His presence our peace
With God as my help, may I never forget what a blessing your love is to me
Beautiful words from a beautiful woman. Bless you my friend!
Thank you! Love you, friend!
The assembly of these words show again the amazing writing talent God has given you. The lyrics so beautifully express your joyous love of Paul.
Enjoyed reading this very much and to the tune of the Billy Joel song, it really works. Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for reading. Glad you enjoyed!