There’s a great word that isn’t used so much in our vernacular these days.
It can mean to stay for a time or to become a resident in a place. It can also mean to keep one’s attention directed on something or someone or to speak or write continuously about a subject.
Ironically, this word that now means where we live or stay was first used in 13th century middle English based on an old high German word for tarrying but equally evolved from an old English word for going astray.
Reading about this in my dictionary app made me think about how so many life stories include one or more chapters in which we who are living are lost before we are found, are wondering before we find our best path, are distracted before we hone in on goodness.
For those who seek God, even after we find His Goodness in this life, we must journey still, before we reach our true home with Him.
I also smiled as I sketched this word art and noticed that the word well resides in the word dwell.
When we are no longer astray but are dwelling where we are meant to be — when we are home — it is well with us.
And from that heart and soul where we abide with God and His Spirit abides in us, Life will bloom — both here and ever after.
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