In a few days, we’ll celebrate another Mother’s Day. Those of us who have mothers still living may send our mother a card, call her on the phone, invite her for a meal, or otherwise show our appreciation. Those of us who have a mother who’s already passed on may spend time remembering our mother’s traits or actions. Mothers among us in houses of worship or our neighborhoods may receive a day off from cooking or a sweet bunch of flowers.
Yet, there are women nearby each of us who will be struggling this Sunday, just as they do on other days — missing their children. In thinking specifically about women who have lost a baby via miscarriage, from the earliest weeks and on through a pregnancy, I was inspired to write the following poem two days ago. Heaven knows their pain and holds their hearts, just as it holds their children. It is bittersweet but still a blessing to know that Heaven understands.
Mothers Too
She is a mother too.
She held life in her womb
And passed it out with blood,
Though blood came much too soon.
And with it, hopes and dreams
Slipped to the depths of seas.
Yet, feeling still, and faintly,
At times her raw heart seized.
Some people saw her loss
And rushed to brush it off
While others never knew
What her grief, silenced, cost.
But Heaven held her close
And felt her sorrow most.
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