One clear, warm early fall day in 2019, I drove out to the far western end of my local metro area to visit some old friends. It was my first time to see them again in a couple of years, to visit their lovely new home, and to meet their first child. Once their precious daughter warmed up to me enough to sit on my lap, I paused to absorb the tenderness of the moment. The sun was streaming in at an angle that warmed us comfortably, and a soft breeze drifted through the rooms carrying the scent of late flowers and a cool evening ahead.
I thought to myself, “How sweet life is. Only God knows what lies ahead, whether easy or difficult things. But for today, I will cherish this goodness.”
The next three years held many restrictions, lockdowns, and limitations. They bore sorrows and struggles. But they also carried growth, opportunities, and blossoming love.
Today, after rain clouds cleared and a moderate warmth returned to the air, I returned to that beautiful house to meet those old friends once more. This time, I met their second child for the first time and reveled in the happiness of earning her trust through smiles. And this time, they met my husband.
And we savored the taste of sweet cake and warm drinks, and the flavor of fellowship under the sun’s kind gaze.
Winter will come, and the spring afterward. Every single time. But before it all comes the fall: when we pause to step inside and draw near, surrounded by the bounty of goodness given by our mighty God.
Thanks for the post!