Here is the next song I have been inspired to write this year, this one with my own melody. We will work out more formal music later. But for now, I leave you with the words to “My Place” and a rough melody recording set to the nice video produced by my Paul (see video link below lyrics). This was inspired by my pastor’s recent teaching and life events that have reminded me of the sweetness of humility.
My Place
The law of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul
But my soul has sought life separately in vain
I need His hand to lead me, His strong arm to guide
And by His side, I’ll see the light, I’ll praise His name
Only God knows every time I’ve fought against His higher ways
Only God gives strength I need to make each choice that I must make
My days are numbered
Every one I need God’s grace
He knows best and has prepared a path for me
I’ve been forgiven, yet I’m learning how to run
Not too fast or slow but at my Father’s pace
Lord, keep me in my place
He sets me at a table laden with fair
And He places me within a family true
In this beloved body, I’ve nothing to fear
Speaking, we teach; giving, we love — all for our good
We have been bought by our Lord who paid the price that we could not
We have been led to this place where we can trust the hand of God
My days are numbered
Every one I need God’s grace
He knows best and has prepared a path for me
I’ve been forgiven, yet I’m learning how to run
Not too fast or slow but at my Father’s pace
Lord, keep me in my place