This hymn for July is actually being posted at the beginning of August because July was such a full month. But as I was thinking over the past month about freedom, I was struck by the fact that true spiritual freedom is only found when we escape from our bondage of sin and accept Jesus as our best and dearest Master. In that theme, I decided to write new lyrics to the old him tune commonly known as Fairest Lord Jesus. Here are the words and below I will post a video as soon as it is finished.
“Jesus, My Master”
- We were made to follow, we were made to worship but every soul has been led astray; Jesus is calling, Jesus is seeking our souls to take His Heaven-bound way.
- Dark was the long night, darker still my heart’s cry when I would crave all that caused demise. Now I gaze higher, see my Redeemer who is my light, my soul’s true prize.
- Vice, it has owned me. Sin, so enticed me. I lay them down to be put to death. His yoke is lighter, His heart is purer who fills me now with living breath.
- Let us now serve Him, our fairest Master, Jesus the lamb who has slain His foe. His is the glory, who loved us fully, and freed us from the bonds of woe.
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