We are equally forgiven.
Forgiveness is only found through Jesus Christ and the sacrifice He provided through His death on the cross. But for those who accept His gift through faith and in God’s marvelous grace, every newborn in Christ is equally forgiven.
It doesn’t matter the age at which we repent and are saved. And it doesn’t matter what types of sins we had committed to that point.
The five year old new Christ follower is just as forgiven as the eighty-five year old new Christ follower. And the repentant murderer or rapist is just as forgiven as the repentant gossiper or glutton.
Such a thought is humbling.
It is not an excuse for us to abuse God’s mercy and continue in sinful patterns without a desire to grow in the Lord. We are called to equally encourage others in their growth as well.
And it reminds us that we must daily pray as Jesus taught us to pray: for strength to forgive others with the same equality and kindness we have been shown.
Today, study my piece of watercolor art pictured above and ponder this.
Then, be who you are.
Live as one (equally) forgiven.
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