March 2024

My family in Christ, we are sorrowful.

Before there was an Easter Sunday, there was the Father’s turning away from the Son at Golgotha and, even earlier, the Son’s prayer regarding His Father’s will in Gethsemane.

Before there was the raising of Lazarus from the dead, there were tears streaming down our Lord’s face in the face of his friend’s sickness and death, as well as the sorrow of many loved ones around.

Before joy comes in the morning, there is often weeping that lasts the whole long night through.

We have the ability to recognize and choose joy in part because we have the capacity to know the (seeming) absence of it.

So, some believers will say that if we are to be true and upstanding followers of Christ, we are never to be down but only to “rejoice in the Lord always” (Philippians 4:4).

But the same apostle who wrote those words also admonished readers in Romans 12 to both “rejoice with those who rejoice and mourn with those who mourn.” And Jesus pronounced, in Matthew 5, a blessing on those who mourn, promising that they would find comfort. And Solomon reminded us in Ecclesiasties 3 that there is a season for sorrow and a season for celebration.

We have been saved by grace through faith, and that is a spectacular gift which should fill us with happiness and thanksgiving.

But there are still sins we may struggle with throughout the course of our life, and when we face those temptations, godly sorrow should rightly guide us to renewed repentance.

And there are the pressures of life in a fallen world that may certainly lead us, sometimes in tears, to the arms of our Father who cares and understands our sadness.

And we are surrounded by those who are still lost and wondering in darkness, and it is often a necessary reminder of that sad reality that will motivate us to be the light we were reborn to be.

And our Savior is Himself known as the Man of Sorrows (Isaiah 53) who was and is acquainted with grief and who knew the deepest suffering — and all alone.

And…it was, after all, some point of heartbreak that led each of us to repent and invite Him into our hearts in the first place.

So, at the end of this Passion Week — and in every season — know the joy of salvation and of victory over the grave. But also live in the tension of keeping a soft, broken heart that makes room for His love to grow deepest roots.

Dear ones in Christ, be who you are. Be sorrowful.

The song that inspired this week’s art sketch.
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Children of God through Christ Jesus, you are known and understood — and you always have been.

And there is a peace in the knowledge of this that nothing can ever shake when we trust in Him and believe His heart, for us, is good.

In that vein, I wrote a short poem yesterday, and here it is….


We are known when we know

Not of what He’s doing.

We were known long before

Time held our names.

We are known when our world

Feels like it’s ending

While the One holding all things

Knows our days.

Let us hold tightly to this

Blessed promise.

Let us hold loosely to all

Our thoughts, weak.

Let us embrace the Great

Knower of our hearts.

Let us let go of the

Vainness we seek.

Just to be known by our God

Is the sweetest,

Just to be known by our Lord

Is His gift.

We will do well to know Him

And receive it;

We will do well to trust Him

And to rest.

Dear ones in the Lord, be known.

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Dear ones in Christ Jesus, you are comforted.

When I use the root word comfort today, I am not talking about the idea of being comfortable in a wealth, pampering, or emotionally non-confrontational sense. I am talking about the sense of being comforted by someone who cares about and for us. Sometimes being comforted means another removes a source of threat, fear, or pain. But even if they don’t or can’t remove that source (temporarily or for the long-term), their presence, touch, or other provision of nearing care-full-ness calms us, strengthens us, and nurtures us.

From the time we enter the world, we are not only in need of food, clothing, and shelter; we are additionally in need of comforting by others. If a baby is given food and clothes but they are otherwise ignored, left untouched, and placed apart from people for the remainder of each day and night, they will languish. Even if they do survive and grow, their development will be forever negatively impacted.

The funny thing is, even though we understand that a baby needs to be comforted and our aging relatives also need the same as they weaken and approach death, people of every age need to be comforted. As an adult behaving in a mature and responsible fashion, I should earn money to buy my own clothing (or make it) and get up to wash and clothe myself each day, and I should seek shelter to take care of myself, my body. That should not be the responsibility of everyone else while I am of sound body and mind. But my need to be comforted when challenges arise and scary moments hit: that never goes away. No matter if we are male or female, or the family mentality under which we were raised, we all need to be comforted.

The Bible is replete with words on this topic. From the human side, we see examples such as Isaac and Rebekah in Genesis 24:67, David and Bathsheba in 2 Samuel 12:18-25, and numerous mentions of individuals who comforted and encouraged the apostle Paul throughout his years of travel, ministry, and imprisonment.

But then….there is our dear and mighty God. Multiple times in the Old Testament, He tells us of how He has comforted or He will comfort. The passage I read aloud to my husband Paul (Isaiah 40:1-11) during our wedding ceremony starts with the words, “Comfort, comfort my people, says your God. Speak tenderly to Jerusalem, and proclaim to her that her heart service has been completed, that her sin has been paid for, that she has received from the Lord’s hand double for all her sins.” And the end of the passage continues, “See, the sovereign Lord comes with power, and his arm rules for him. See, his reward is with him, and his recompense accompanies him. He tends his flock like a shepherd. He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart; he gently leads those that have young.”

God is a comforting God. He does not mean to make us comfortable. But He does mean to comfort. And this difference is essential to understand and remember. Because sometimes the choices of other people will lead to our pain, frustration, anger, or sorrow — and often the things that God allows for his sovereign purposes may leave us scratching our head in perplexed ambiguity, decrying the limitations of the human mind and the human heart.

BUT that great and all-knowing God says, “Trust Me.” AND that great and all-powerful God says, “I am holding you close to My heart.”

And Jesus promised in John 14 that all of His followers will be given the continuous comfort of the Holy Spirit. No matter what waters swirl around us in this life, we will never be alone. And we will be strengthened to carry on — and to comfort others.

Be reminded of this precious gift today.

Dear brothers and sisters, be who you are. Be comforted.

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We, children of the King and joint heirs with Christ, are royalty.

In chapter 2 of his first epistle, Peter wrote, “But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy…. Live such good lives among the pagans that, though they accuse you of doing wrong, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day he visits us.”

From our human perspective and examples we have seen in world history, we have many different ways to think about living as royalty. There have been kings and queens and lords and ladies in various capacities have lived fairly upright lives and tried to treat those whom they ruled over or were responsible for with fairness, kindness, and wisdom. Additionally, there have been members of royal families who were self-centered and were more concerned with their own comfort, personal causes, and other selfish desires than they were with any sense of honor and being a good example of virtue to all those watching them. Finally, there have been those who carried royal titles while they lived — though their actions were evil and destructive, their legacy in history now an infamous one.

What does it mean to be royals, princes and princesses in the family of God as ones Christ has redeemed?

  1. We have been lavished with the richness of God’s tremendous love (1 John 3:1). But unlike an earthly royal family, the storehouse of our budget cannot run dry. And we are called to NOT use it only for our own comfort and promotion; we are called to invite others into it, for them also to be adopted as royal heirs, walking hand in hand with us. We are not to live for our own pleasure but are to enjoy God’s blessings and provision, to live for His honor and glory.
  2. We are to live as people of light (Philippians 2:12-16), as excellent examples of what is good, pure, and outstanding. We are to daily represent the One who showed us mercy and point others toward the beauty of that mercy. We are to find great joy in doing our duty: representing our Father God who is the king and source of all life and light (Psalm 36:9).
  3. We have been given a new name and role in the procession of heavenly saints, and an inheritance that is being saved up for us, all awaiting us one day with our Lord, for eternity, in heaven (1 Peter 1:3-9). And with all of that, we also carry a hope in this life that no one can possess apart from being a royal member of God’s family.

Most of us do not eat every meal off of fancy dishes and wear jewelry that costs more than a car and live in an earthly mansion. But in the spiritual state of the universe, each follower of Jesus has been welcomed into the status of royalty.

When we remember this, it will rightly define our worth and how we honor Him and treat others. And it will impress upon us the desire to have those others join us in His kingdom.

Be who you are. Be royal.

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Dear friends in Christ Jesus, you are healed.

I am not espousing a health and prosperity gospel here. I am not saying that while we reside in these earthly bodies, He will automatically heal every physical or other ailment which troubles those of us who follow Him.

I am, instead, reminding us that true healing in every way is only, ultimately, found in the blood, peace, truth, and grace of our Lord and Savior.

And I am rejoicing in knowing that our Lord who is outside of time already (presently as we might think of it) sees us as fully healed, fully restored, perfected, mended, glorious. He has foreseen us in that state since before time began.

This past week, I heard a beloved song (“Mended” by Watermark) again. Listening to it inspired the above word art sketch and stirred up the above thoughts. I have linked the video below for your edification as well.

No matter what pain, limitation, or sorrow you may presently feel, you will not remain there forever. In His strength, you are running to meet Him and all will be made new again.

My dear friends, be healed.

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