Dear friends in Christ Jesus, you are healed.
I am not espousing a health and prosperity gospel here. I am not saying that while we reside in these earthly bodies, He will automatically heal every physical or other ailment which troubles those of us who follow Him.
I am, instead, reminding us that true healing in every way is only, ultimately, found in the blood, peace, truth, and grace of our Lord and Savior.
And I am rejoicing in knowing that our Lord who is outside of time already (presently as we might think of it) sees us as fully healed, fully restored, perfected, mended, glorious. He has foreseen us in that state since before time began.
This past week, I heard a beloved song (“Mended” by Watermark) again. Listening to it inspired the above word art sketch and stirred up the above thoughts. I have linked the video below for your edification as well.
No matter what pain, limitation, or sorrow you may presently feel, you will not remain there forever. In His strength, you are running to meet Him and all will be made new again.
My dear friends, be healed.
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