Children of God through Christ Jesus, you are known and understood — and you always have been.
And there is a peace in the knowledge of this that nothing can ever shake when we trust in Him and believe His heart, for us, is good.
In that vein, I wrote a short poem yesterday, and here it is….
We are known when we know
Not of what He’s doing.
We were known long before
Time held our names.
We are known when our world
Feels like it’s ending
While the One holding all things
Knows our days.
Let us hold tightly to this
Blessed promise.
Let us hold loosely to all
Our thoughts, weak.
Let us embrace the Great
Knower of our hearts.
Let us let go of the
Vainness we seek.
Just to be known by our God
Is the sweetest,
Just to be known by our Lord
Is His gift.
We will do well to know Him
And receive it;
We will do well to trust Him
And to rest.
Dear ones in the Lord, be known.