Fellow ambassadors for Christ, be His peace.
The Chinese, in Mandarin, have two main words for peace. The first, he ping, means the absence of war or what we might use to designate peaceful times politically. The second, ping an, means to be sheltered or calm, protected or safe, even if there is danger lurking outside the door or the storms of life are thundering around us.
“The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace…” (Galatians 5:22). When we abide in Christ, we will naturally produce the fruit of peace. We will BE His peace, exemplified to the world in both senses of the Chinese words.
First, we are called to be people of peace and to pray for peace. I am cognizant, as I write this on a Memorial Day weekend, that many have sacrificed their lives to defend other people and moral beliefs or causes they held to be true. I also understand there are such real things as righteous anger and the theory of just warfare. But fundamentally and in daily life, Scripture points followers of Christ to give our responses with a more gentle touch, to turn the other cheek, to not seek revenge, and to promote peace and goodness in the communities where He plants us. We may find ourselves being asked to lift a weapon in times of battle, but our hearts should long for peace, and we should aim to promote peace in our responses to and attitudes toward others.
Second, only the peace of Jesus will give us a centering calm when circumstances of life could seek to wear down our faith and our hope. The storm that Jesus stilled from the boat on the sea was allowed to exist for a purpose….perhaps more than one purpose. And the ultimate purpose was so that He would receive glory. A big chunk of that glory playing out in His disciples’ lives then and in our lives now = how we may struggle with trusting Him for a short time, but when we see or remember how great He is, our sense of trust is grounded and our peace shines through all the more — even if the storm nearby still rages on.
And so, let us abide continually and pray faithfully, that we might promote peace, be at peace, and walk in peace. And His peace…not as the world gives (John 14:27).
Cling to the vine, look to the Son, draw from the source. Be who you are, dear ones. Exude peace.