My fellow Christ-followers, we are delighted.
But what — or Who — are we called to be delighted in? Where does our mind’s focus swing around to? Where does our heart’s contentment most deeply grow?
I am designed to find my true and lasting delight (happiness, pleasure, reward, purpose and meaning) when my whole being is fixed on my Jesus the way a compass needle continues to balance back to the north, no matter how hard it is rocked.
And we are charged (in Phip. 4:8) to continually think on or delight in what is right, true, lovely, admirable, and excellent — things that reflect His goodness in the world.
Yet, many other things in this world will claim to offer us happiness and pleasure. And many other things will vie for our attention and concern.
But it is Jesus to whom we must cling. It is He to whom we must give our love. It is He in whom we must delight. What breaks His heart should rightly bring us sorrow, and what brings Him honor must be our foremost goal.
Both for His glory, and for our ultimate good.
Dear ones, be who you are. Be delighted.