Dear ones, you are the reflection of Christ’s kindness.
While I was out in public a few months ago, I saw a woman wearing a shirt that read, “Be a kind human.” It is the in vogue thing to do in our society today: to be kind instead of being mean, to be nice instead of bullying others. But her shirt also seemed to be an in-ones-face command to shape up and act right in a society where most people are becoming increasingly reactionary in a polarized and negative way.
I have heard it argued that non-Christians can be just as kind — or more kind — than Christians are. When that is genuinely true, it is a wake up call to followers of Jesus: we need to dwell more closely with Him so that our actions toward others are more consistently helpful, edifying, and kind. We need to think more humbly and joyfully of His kindness toward us so that the overflow of that impression will naturally seep from our lives in genuine kindness to others.
While non-Christians may show kindness to other people, the kindness that marks the heart of a Christian should stand apart as follows.
It will reflect the balance of both truth and grace modeled for us in Christ.
It will noticeably increase with the help of His Spirit.
It will become increasingly more natural, in His light, to show this kindness to our loved ones, strangers, and even our enemies.
Our motivation in showing kindness should also become increasingly driven by finding delight in God’s goodness.
It will, therefore, be our aim to show kindness simply for the sake of showing Christ. Not to maintain a meticulous reputation of niceness. And not to somehow build up a mound of favors we can demand from others in the future.
My dear friends in Jesus, be who you are. Let your kindness be different than that of the world, and let it be consistent.
Because you are tapped into the Source of the only true and pure kindness there is.