To all who follow Jesus, we are called to be faithful and a reflection of His faithfulness in this fickle, shifting world.
Of our good God, Psalm 36:5 says, “Your love, Lord, reaches to the heavens, and Your faithfulness to the skies.” And of our Lord Jesus, 2 Timothy 2:12-13 concludes, “…if we endure, we will also reign with Him. If we disown Him, He will also disown us; if we are faithless, He remains faithful, for He cannot disown Himself.”
We are told to build our lives on the Rock and not on a sandy foundation, so easily eroded. We are told to keep our eyes and hearts fixed on the Perfecter of our faith, the One who never gave up in His darkest hour — and the One who has never (or will never) leave us in ours. We are told to cling tightly to the hope He places in our hearts: that He will never leave us nor forsake us.
When we dwell consistently on these commands and truths, the stuff of life does not roar quite so loudly. And we start to more rightly reflect this faithfulness in our daily relationships with other people. It should inform how we treat both our loved ones and the strangers we encounter. God has been so good and so faithful to us in Christ Jesus. We, therefore, with His grace and help, can demonstrate that goodness and faithfulness toward one more person, one more time, again, and today.
It is faithfulness in a sense of loyalty and dependability and trying again. And it is faith-fullness in hoping the best for another, praying for their growth, and providing them with a good example.
Dear friends, be who you are. Dwell in Him. And be His faithfulness.